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Are NPC profile ossl functions supported?

5 years 7 months ago #3130 by BillBlight
the dll does not go with robust only regions ..

Not sure why, works with my grid/regions ... I actually pulled that compiled dll right from one of my running regions ..

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5 years 7 months ago #3131 by BillBlight
let me compile it with master see what it does ... I use my own fork ..

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5 years 7 months ago #3132 by BillBlight
Try this one ..

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:9 KB

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5 years 7 months ago #3133 by BillBlight
or try this one, I compiled this one with the release version, have not used release in so long, that my version may not be compatible ..

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:10 KB

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5 years 7 months ago #3134 by zephy
Not sure what you mean by "robust only regions"? I have a robust server I start up first before then powering up the regions, one on the same server and one on another server.
Just starting robust gives the error which, with that latest version, is saying it's expecting but I'm running (the first error I reported may be down to naming issues as I think I missed out the . between jOpenSim and Profile when I renamed the DLL)

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5 years 7 months ago #3135 by zephy
Oh just seen the latest. My comments above are for the "TryThisOne"

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5 years 7 months ago #3136 by zephy
Yes, that last one ( works okay and picks up the new setting okay. :-) Thanks!

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5 years 7 months ago #3137 by BillBlight
The ROBUST does not need the DLL, you must be running your regions out of the same directory ...

Personally I think that is a bad idea, but if it works for you ..

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5 years 7 months ago #3138 by zephy
I run two regions plus have another on a separate server. I must admit I have no info about the pro's and cons of using the one folder for robust and sim - I'm learning as I go along but the info in the opensim wiki isn't always great!

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5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #3139 by BillBlight
The first PRO for using multiple bin dirs, is the fact you can update in a rolling fashion without having to take everything down, and that is the biggest ...

I have a separate bin for every instance, so they don't intrude on each other, and I can even run multiple versions for testing since they don't share ..

The bin folder is small, so having multiple ones is not really a space issue.

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