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jOpenSimPrivacy is a plugin for Joomla version 3.9+ containing a new component helping privacy issues according to GDPR (read more about it here).

The component jOpenSim is since version already prepared, providing helpful information about stored data of users for webmasters, but the plugin will also hook into the "export" and "removing" routines of this new possibility.

Example for exporting:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <domain name="jOpenSim" description="jOpenSim users table data">
    <item id="339">
    <item id="affac177-7921-11e8-b7b3-00e043a30033">
      <aboutText>FoTo50something is just a copy for testing</aboutText>
  <domain name="OpenSimulator" description="OpenSimulator users table data">
    <item id="affac177-7921-11e8-b7b3-00e043a30033">
  <domain name="users" description="Joomla! users table data">
    <item id="338">
      <registerDate>2018-06-27 09:50:05</registerDate>
      <lastvisitDate>2018-07-23 08:13:19</lastvisitDate>
      <lastResetTime>0000-00-00 00:00:00</lastResetTime>
  <domain name="user notes" description="Joomla! user notes data"/>
  <domain name="user profile" description="Joomla! user profile data"/>
  <domain name="user custom fields" description="Joomla! user custom fields data"/>


exported by Joomla
exported by jOpenSimPrivacy from jOpenSim data
exported by jOpenSimPrivacy from OpenSimulator data


Example for removing:

jOpenSimPrivacy will NOT completely delete OpenSimulator or jOpenSim accounts since this can break essential relations (e.g. account of a group founder). It rather will replace data like email, name with unusable values

In above example

    <item id="affac177-7921-11e8-b7b3-00e043a30033">

will replaced with

    <item id="affac177-7921-11e8-b7b3-00e043a30033">