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Suggestion for DreamGrid v5

2 years 10 months ago #3771 by SonjaGalileo
Just a suggestion maybe for v5.

One of the "problems" I run into is DreamGrid overwriting the ini files EVERY time.

I've found that I have had to make some manual edits in the ini files. But on each start DreamGrid overwrites those files and kills my manual edits causing something to break.

When Robust.HG.ini.proto overwrites Robust.HG.ini is adds a blank line after EVERY line. Trying to use a DIFF program like WinMerge to compare the two files it just throws a fit.

And WHY does it have to add EVERY region as a FallbackRegion?

There really should only be a few entries. Not EVERY region existing on the grid.

I know the aim of DreamGrid is to make running a grid simple and painless for everyone.

Maybe adding a "Beginner" or "Expert" selection in the interface.

Beginner would let DreamGrid do what it does.

Expert would allow for the ability to turn off some of the automatic functions of DreamGrid and let a more experienced Grid Owner to make changes applicable to their particular installation. More control over the ini's, dll's etc.

I'm sorry if I sound over critical or if I am just "bitching". That is NOT my intention.

DreamGrid is a great piece of software and props to your work and efforts.

It is just when you don't run a straight up "vanilla" install of a grid the automatic functions of DreamGrid can be counter productive.

You end up pulling your hair out fighting with the program.

Little things like the program's insistence of adding :80 to the SearchURL. It really should only rewrite your port if it is something OTHER than 80, like 8080.

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2 years 10 months ago #3772 by SonjaGalileo
It is little things like this that make you want to bang your head on the wall:
[jOpenSimSearch]: (1) Unable to connect to Search Server http://grid.moonlightestates.[b]me:80/[/b]jOpensim/index.php?option=com_opensim&view=interface.  Exception System.Net.WebException: Cannot handle redirect from HTTP/HTTPS protocols to other dissimilar ones. ---> System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.

It shouldn't be adding the port unless the port is something OTHER than 80.

Again, not meaning to bitch or sound ungrateful. These are just the little things that I've noticed that can snowball during a grid installation.

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2 years 10 months ago #3773 by SonjaGalileo
And is there a way to disable that "Such and Such region stopped. Do you want to see the log?" prompt.

When you have hundreds of regions, that prompt can get a little pesky. :P

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2 years 10 months ago #3774 by SonjaGalileo
I'm sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass, not meaning to be.

Is there a way in the Regions list (Ctrl-R) to highlight the entire row rather than just the region name?

When you have poor eyesight, following a long table row can be challenging.

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2 years 10 months ago #3775 by SonjaGalileo
Another nit-pick (yes yes I'm sorry)

I moved a region that my Wife asked to be created from its original location to a location that was occupied by another. I used the GUI to deregister and delete the existing region then edited the new region to put it in the old region's location.

Well, that little change wiped out ALL of the regions in that dos box collection.

Why? Who the F knows. And this is NOT the only time that has happened.

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2 years 10 months ago #3776 by SonjaGalileo
What IS this file??


Why is it there, what is its purpose?

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