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GetTextureServerConnector issue

4 years 2 months ago #3393 by Ferdzee
RObust.iniProbably not a bug, as it's part of standard Opensim, but this is driving me crazy trying to fix.
I've followed the instructions and checked the INI files many times. My public port is 9000, not 8002.

In the robust log, I get this:

Loading GetTextureSeverConnector on port 9000
[SERVER]: Failed to load Opensim.Capabilities.Handlers.dll:GetTextureSeverConnector

Robust has this



Got any guess as to why I cannot get this to work? And what is it used for so if/when its working, I can check it? My guess is its used in Profiles.

Fred at

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4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #3394 by djphil
Hi Ferdzee,
On Robust.ini remplace:
On OpenSim.ini
Cap_GetTexture = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/CAPS/GetTexture/"

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4 years 1 month ago #3395 by rocky1735
yea i try this also still get that error like fred

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4 years 1 month ago #3396 by djphil
I did not see any problem with GetTexture Service in OpenSim but if changes were made in the security of jOpenSim, it could possibly affect the connection between the GetTexture service and jOpeSim.
For that, Foto is better able than me to answer you.

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4 years 1 month ago #3397 by rocky1735
i know we are using newest dev opensim the version allow eep now

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4 years 1 month ago #3398 by djphil
jOpenSim is designed to work with OpenSim Release.
If you use it with OpenSim 0.9.0.x Master Dev or other then it is at your own risk

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4 years 1 month ago #3399 by rocky1735
seem it in robust not loading not sure why i have used it in past and it work but not now

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4 years 1 month ago #3400 by rocky1735
it ver 0.9.2

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4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #3401 by djphil
I just checked GetTexture Service on my jOpenSim test site with OpenSim Release and I see GetTexture working fine. More precisely, I can see my profile image and when I visit my profile, I can clearly see the request to GetTexture Service being made on the Robust console without any error message.
12:14:37 - [GETTEXTURE]: Converting texture 764cf4ec-f8e9-4391-a226-a85c1feb80f7 to png
I am on Windows 10.

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4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #3402 by djphil
If you see any error messages on your OpenSim console, please post them here.
Also check your log files and report errors if you see any
Thank you.

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