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Core commit breaks JopensimProfiles

2 years 7 months ago #3792 by Ferdzee
FYI: Will no longer compile.

2022-06-20 23:49:51 #86dc93ec3ba2



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2 years 5 months ago - 2 years 5 months ago #3803 by Ferdzee
Any information on this. It's a show stopper for several thousand people.

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2 years 5 months ago #3820 by foto50
Hiya Ferdzee

In current "stable" version the method UserProfileData() is still there in the class UserAgentService.

Once there is a "stable" (or whatever) available, I'll check this out how to fix (if still necessary) ;)


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2 years 5 months ago #3823 by Ferdzee
In case anyone asks, this is in DreamGrid V5.25, so jOpensim Profiles are no longer available. As you know, it may be years before another release happens.

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1 year 11 months ago #3843 by druskus
Hi, I'm latching onto this post.
I just checked the site and noticed that they have released version

Can we safely update the simulator or do we have problems with profile management, search, groups and currency?

I am currently using Joomla version 3.10.11 and the latest official release of JOpenSim

I would also like to ask if there is any news with the official release of JOpenSim and JOpenSimPayPal for Joomla 4?

Thank You

Owner of Impero Web Group and Zone Nations Virtual World
Dev Italian Language for JOpenSim

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1 year 11 months ago #3844 by foto50
Hiya Druskus :)

Long time no see/read ;)

Yes I also have seen the release of but pls give me a few days to download the source of it to investigate "the damages" ... commercial projects give me quite a busy time lately (luckily at the end).

To the 2nd question: The latter is also the reason why jopenSim4 is not in RC status yet. jOpenSim for Joomla4 is actually already in a final state and contains quite a few new features, but the lack of xmlrpc in PHP8 is still quite a challenge.

Since PHP8 compatibility will be (sooner or later) a minimum requirement, I want to get this all done within the first jOpenSim4 release.

jOpenSim is continued, just the progress is (due to upper mentioned reasons) a little slower than u are used to ... sorry for that ;)


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1 year 11 months ago - 1 year 11 months ago #3846 by druskus
Hi Foto50,
I will drop by tomorrow evening or Saturday to say hello in grid.
On Zone Nations I made a sim for JUGs (Joomla User Group) and there are tutorials on the basic use of Joomla and also JOpenSim!

Owner of Impero Web Group and Zone Nations Virtual World
Dev Italian Language for JOpenSim

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1 year 10 months ago #3847 by foto50
Hi Ferdzee

I finally could have a quick look to the code of the now official released While money and search seem to be fine, for profiles as mentioned, the Namespace "UserProfileData" was removed and should be replaced by "UserProfileProperties"

In the mantis you opened, they write about
... check: 6566837f3bc7732001c1b3a7f69b3dbd04fdcb4d if you want to know how to do that ...
I'm a little confused where to find this 6566837f3bc7732001c1b3a7f69b3dbd04fdcb4d :blush: can u give me a hint on that?


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