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GridMap Blank, jOpenSim Register only non-SEF

12 years 9 months ago #1028 by tazzarkin
When I set Search Engine Friendly URLs to "No", it lets me add new users to the grid. But, when I have it set to "Yes", it comes up with page not found errors.

I know my SEF is set up correctly because it works with the rest of my Joomla installation fine (unless there is a special setting or configuration for this plugin).

Also, my GridMap is always showing up blank. Either I have a conflict with another module (which I've seen before) or is it possibly a setting in the Global Configuration in jOpenSim.

Other than that, my GridStatus and Friends Module is working fine. :)

I know it's a work in progress. I just wanted to let you know what problems I encountered.

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12 years 9 months ago #1031 by foto50
jOpenSimRegister was tested on SEF Joomla versions 1.7 and 2.5 without any problems :S but I might have again a closer look on that ...

Blank pages are always an indicator, that PHP does not find a file that needs to be included. Is there anything in the webserver's error log in such a case?


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12 years 9 months ago #1032 by tazzarkin
it appears that it is not finding the region image. when i inspect the page, i can see the region images. but, for some reason, they are not displaying on the page itself. it is so strange.

i'm not sure what is causing the problem.

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12 years 8 months ago #1071 by tricon
I seem to have just run into the same issue regarding the gridmap page. SEF doesn't seem to make a difference either way (and everything else works fine with SEF on or off) so I don't think that is the problem.

I did notice however, that when the gridmap page is loaded, the opensim cmd window prints that it is sending the map jpegs. The webpage's source code also shows that the map images are being loaded, they just aren't being displayed. This seems like it might be an issue with the template?


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12 years 8 months ago #1074 by foto50
Can it be that the template is using jQuery and thatfor is conflicting with the grid map?

With the template here I had to "disable script" in it's settings since it otherwise would not let me drag and zoom the map :(

I definately have to find a better way for the maps :S


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12 years 8 months ago #1079 by tricon
That's a good idea. I will see if there are any script conflicts with the template that would cause it not to load.

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12 years 8 months ago #1080 by Sadakazu Yoshikawa
ehm, you set up the map configuration on admin backend?
i had the same problem and i just had to change the map settings...
this are my configuration:

Grid Map Width: 650
Grid Map height: 650
Default Map Size: 80
Minimum Map size: 1
Maximum Map Size: 100
Zoom Step: 1
Horizonzal Center Offset: -3
Vertical Center Offset: 0

I hope it will help :)

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12 years 8 months ago #1082 by tricon
Worked perfectly :blush:

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