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Default Values for Gridmap?

12 years 7 months ago #1111 by DJ Devil
I noticed since 0.2.1 there is no default values for the grid map anymore, for non english people it might become a bit hard to find the right settings even i had to fiddle around a bit to get it to work ^^

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12 years 7 months ago #1125 by foto50
Between jOpenSim 0.2.0 and 0.2.1 there has been a major change in the way the config values are stored. I spend huge attention to convert eventually already existing "old way" values into the new way and completely missed the default values when doing a fresh install. I hope I dont forget to add them again for 0.2.3 ;)

However, here are the default values jOpenSim used to have until 0.2.0:

Grid Map Width: 800
Grid Map height: 600
Default Map Size: 128
Minimum Map size: 20
Maximum Map Size: 256
Zoom Step: 10
Horizonzal Center Offset: 0
Horizonzal Center Offset: 0

I hope this helps for now ...


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