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Map not displayed correctly

12 years 6 months ago #1155 by SilverDay
I just added 4 regions to our world in a slightly detached area of our map. However the regions are not displayed coreectly in jopensim. I have added two pics of the wrong map in jopensim and the correct map as it is displayed in Inprudence.





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12 years 6 months ago #1157 by foto50
Hi SilverDay

This is an intentional behavior of jOpenSim. Some folks have added a region (e.g. for HyperGrid jumps) in a distance of 3000 or even more in each direction. This would then let the map look really strange and in many cases let the server run out of memory ... ;)


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Our Regions

Region: Loc X: Loc Y:
Agora 1000 998
BareBad… 997 997
Bohemas 996 998
BoraBor… 1002 999
Crystal… 1001 1000
DeepTho… 1005 998
FoToSan… 999 995
jCity 1001 997
jOpenWe… 1000 999
JuniorT… 1002 1001
Kanadah… 1002 1000
LindaKe… 1000 997
LittleC… 996 997
MonteSc… 1001 1001
Naos 999 999
Pangaea 1005 1003
RiverSi… 999 1000
Sakani 999 998
Snambin 1001 998
Tartola 997 998
ViewerH… 1002 998
WaterWo… 1001 999
WilderK… 1000 1000


Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 23
Visitors (30 Days): 7
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