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Displaying Maps in Grid Mode

12 years 6 months ago #1160 by SilverDay

I just switched our world from Standalone to Grid using R.O.B.U.S.T. All in all it went better than I expected. However now I have the problem that the map is not shown anymore. The error is: Error while getting map data.

I assume that means that my entry in the configuration is not correct. According to the instructions in the popup (Global Configuration, first tab) I set it to 8003, because that is the port I gave in the Network-Section of the Robust.ini. The Host Name has not changed.

Any advice?



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12 years 6 months ago #1161 by foto50
Hi SilverDay

SilverDay wrote: ...Error while getting map data...

Does this occur in the frontend grid map only or also in the map part of admin?

It indicates most of time a problem during reading the data from the OpenSim/Robust database.

Is the table "regions" in your Robust-DB populated correctly? If yes, is there a correct serverURI for each region?

Allthough many times not really necessary, it is possible to provide a different database in Robust.ini (ConnectionString in [DatabaseService]) besides the one in the same section of . But if so, you have to enter this database into the second database tag of jOpenSim global config (named OpenSim Grid Database). If there is another user for it, you also need to enter the user access data.

But also regarding the port: since v0.2.x this port is not affecting the region images anymore since it is read out directly from the regions table (currently it is e.g. used in the search addon for data collection). But anyway it is NOT the port defined in [Network] of your Robust.ini but the port, the built in http server of OpenSim is listening to. Until now, I only have seen port 9000 for this. If it "only" would be the wrong port, you would get a map but with images with an orange "?" on it. You can easy check out, if OpenSim is generating the map tiles by entering following url in your browser:

http://host:port/index.php?method=regionImage followed by the regionUID without any spaces and "-" in it. See for example:


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12 years 6 months ago #1162 by SilverDay
Hmm, this occurs in the gridview of the Admin section. The list view shows tiles.

The region table is populated correctly.

Both (robust and sims) are using the same DB. The DB data has been entered correctly (basically it has not changed). The ServerURIs are correct.

To distribute load a bit better, my world has been setup with one robust-instance and 4 Simulator instances with 2 to 5 regions each. The simulators have an individual network port. The regions have individual ports too.

The inworld-map works fine btw.

I tried this URL:

But cannot get an image.



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12 years 6 months ago #1163 by foto50
Hi SilverDay

The url is with 8002 as port and gives the typical 404 page from OpenSim for me. Trying with 9000 gives a connection timeout ... is port 9000 open to public from the firewall?

Strange, it is showing the maps in the list (=default) view in admin but not in the grid view? Are there regions with an x or y location to 0 (zero)?


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12 years 6 months ago #1164 by SilverDay
9000 is open to the public (its the port the first region listens on) 9100 is the port the first simulator listens on, but that is also open. Just checked it in the rules ( and reapplied them just to be sure)

No regions with x or y equal zero



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11 years 10 months ago #1684 by Housecity
at first, sorry about my bad english :huh:

I have an OpenSim Robust Server with MySQL Database. Joomla 2.5.9.
My Problem is the GridMap in Frontend and Backend. The GridList runns perfectly.
The Frontend says: ...Error while getting map data...
The Backend by the GridMap says No Regions found, Is the server offline?, Are the settings correct?
I have change the port in Global Configuration. The same result.

My Map Setting

I have 5 Sim round about 7000,7000
ExternalHostName =

OpenSim Version 0.7.5 dev

I hope someone can help with this problem

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