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Mapping - Missing home button/Missing Empty Region

12 years 1 month ago #1369 by Jayden
Being a complete novice at Joomla I've installed it and mostly set up JOpensim to work. Most problems are solved now. Just a few little ones left I would really appreciate someone's help on.

I am running in GridHypergrid, so I've been making up solutions to most problems as I find them. I don't want to put up all my remaining problems until I can't go any further. So to start, just two.

OpenSim 0.7.4 / Robust / GridHypergrid
Firestorm 4.2.2 (29837) Aug 27 2012 19:20:05
I noticed in the map display that the home button was missing. The line in question via inspector in my browser is

<input style="position: relative; top:-25px; left:10px;" type="image" src="components/com_opensim/assets/images/home.png" id="homebutton" onclick="centerMapPos();">

The leading slash before components is missing, so it thinks the image is at:
instead of:

In the source code /var/www/components/com_opensim/views/maps/tmpl/default_mapview.php I see:

<input style='position: relative; top:-25px; left:10px;' type='image' src='<?php echo $this->asseturl; ?>images/home.png' style='background:none;' id='homebutton' onClick='centerMapPos();' />

I think this problem can be solved by working out where $this->asseturl is defined. My php and Joomla isn't that good. Sorry. I can't find it in the configuration anywhere. I could patch it by doing src='/<?php echo $this->asseturl; ?>images/home.png' but am concerned it's causing other problems.

Second issue is that the map is not showing empty regions. I have a grid of regions:


Each of those spaces has no regions in it at all.

The map displays them as:


With no empty regions between.

My map parameters are set to:

Map Cache max age: 60
Grid Map Width: 640
Grid Map height: 640
Default Map Size: 64
Minimum Map size: 32
Maximum Map Size: 512
Zoom Step: 5
Horizonzal Center Offset: -5
Vertical Center Offset: -1

Thanks so much for the help on a wonderful application. Sorry if they are silly questions.

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12 years 1 month ago #1370 by foto50
Hi Jayden

Thanks for pointing me to this issue with the missing / for the button. In your case you should not worry if this is causing other problems. In general, the solution should be made a bit different since some might not have joomla installed in the root folder of the host. But I am aware of this and will try to change this in the upcoming version of jOpenSim :)

About missing empty regions: this is wanted. It happens sometimes, that folks used to create a "secret" region and positioned it thousands of steps away from the rest of regions. What happened was that jOpenSim tried to create millions of empty cells and the server most of time ran out of memory *g*

I admit that this is not really the ideal solution and since ages I want to have a look on the map issue to change it to some better way. But unfortunately I did not find the time for everything until now ;)


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12 years 1 month ago #1371 by Jayden
I can understand that reason for the missing regions. It makes sense.

Thanks :)

This is a wonderful addition to OpenSim.

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12 years 1 month ago #1378 by DJ Devil
The Home Button on the maps is a issue related to the Joomla url Rewriting like a unrewrited URL will show the home button a normal rewrite without .htaccess like /index.php/maps wont show it, but if you use .htaccess rewriting so you have something like /maps.html it will work again

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