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Can't get jOpenSim to connect to opensim

12 years 1 month ago #1376 by guardian2012
Hi there,

For some reason I can't get jopensim to connect to my opensim instance.

I can connect to opensim fine from inside or outside of my LAN.

jopensim is installed on the same server as opensim, using mysql on Linux.

I have tried both "localhost" and my domain name in the database config, but still jopensim says my grid is offline. I have added the profile module in standalonecommon.ini

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12 years 1 month ago #1377 by DJ Devil
Hi there guardian.
You Also need the presence in your StandaloneCommon.ini the profile has nothing to do with the awareness of JopenSim detecting the Status of OpenSim do you have this in your StandaloneCommon.ini?
LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=dbname;User ID=dbuser;Password=dbpassword;"


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12 years 1 month ago #1379 by guardian2012
Yes, I have that in the StandaloneCommon.ini

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12 years 1 month ago #1380 by DJ Devil
can you see anything in the error logs? if it is a mysql error it should give you a line like this
Access denied for user root@localhost using password (Yes)

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12 years 1 month ago #1381 by guardian2012
No, everything appears fine:

176 Init DB opensim
176 Query SELECT regions.* FROM regions ORDER BY locY ASC, locX ASC
176 Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM regions
176 Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Presence WHERE RegionID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
176 Query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GridUser WHERE Login > '1320743246' OR Logout > '1320743246'
176 Query SELECT regions.* FROM regions ORDER BY locY ASC, locX ASC

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12 years 1 month ago #1382 by guardian2012
Actually... as I was about to disable logging, I found this:

"Table \'opensim.regions\' doesn\'t exist"

and sure enough when I show tables I get:

| Tables_in_opensim |
| Avatars |
| Friends |
| GridUser |
| Presence |
| UserAccounts |
| assets |
| auth |
| estate_groups |
| estate_managers |
| estate_map |
| estate_settings |
| estate_users |
| estateban |
| inventoryfolders |
| inventoryitems |
| land |
| landaccesslist |
| migrations |
| primitems |
| prims |
| primshapes |
| regionban |
| regionenvironment |
| regionsettings |
| regionwindlight |
| spawn_points |
| terrain |
| tokens |

why would this be missing?

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12 years 1 month ago #1383 by foto50
Hi guardian

This is caused by the default settings of standalone in your StandaloneCommon.ini under section [GridService]:

by default you have:
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData"
but for jOpenSim you need:
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"

... also I can see that you miss the table "Presence" which is also required for jOpenSim to work. To let OpenSim create this table, you need to add following lines in your StandaloneCommon.ini:
LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=dbname;User ID=dbuser;Password=dbpassword;"

Of course replace dbname etc with your own values ;)


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12 years 1 month ago #1384 by guardian2012
Thanks foto50!

I already had the presence config, but changing the storage provider in the gridservice section fixed my issue. Perhaps put this in the installation pdf?

I haven't had much of a play yet, but please please keep up the good work! I've been looking for a decent web interface for opensim and all the common ones haven't had any updates in over a year!

Thanks for your help, and good luck for the future!

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