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Problems with Grid Maps, Users and Groups

12 years 6 days ago #1596 by tadavis
Hi, I just installed your JOpenSim. I have a few questions.. and some errors..
First great product. I am hoping to use it..
I follow your instructions.. they are kind of confusing with the names.. for the database setups in the jOpenSim settings..
Grid setup is:
MySQL 5.X all machines
OpenSim 7.5 1a262bd r21438

Machine one: Robust and database
Machine two: 7 regions and opensim.exe database for all regions
Machine three: 13 Regions
Machine four: Webserver and website database

I think I got the database setting right but for
(Add here the hostname/IP and the port, opensimulator's webserver is listening to)
Which host name and port do I put? I have tried numerous machines Ips and ports combination.
Also which two files to put in bin directory of the opensim.exe there are two sets..




Documentation says:


I tried both just to make sure things would or would not.
Did not work on Profiles did not check search:

Did work on Profiles and did not on search:

I did make the proper entries in the GridCommon.ini, Robust.ini and OpenSim.ini

I have one region converted to your jOpenSim for testing atm, the rest is still on OS_services Bundles and they are working..

Things that work are Grid Status on website..
Inworld Groups and Profiles..

Things that do not work and have errors on..
Search returns nothing and no data data snapshot info in OpenSim.log..
User on JOpenSim admin returns this when clicked:

Could not connect to OpenSim database! Please check your settings.

No User found
Is the server offline?
Are the settings correct?

Grid Map in JOpenSim admin returns this when clicked:
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
And on the frontend it just give the could not find image symbol.

Groups in JOpenSim admin returns this when clicked:
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
*note: when I first click Groups in JOpenSim Admin page before I created a group in world I did not get this error I just got a no groups message and the proper display and after I created a group I got the http 500 error.

I went over all my settings for all .ini's and database connections (I even used my global login for MYSQL database login (I use to login to the MySQL Workbench) to test database connectivity) and I still get all the errors...

The fact that Grid Status works and nothing more confuses me.. I have read and re-read both the readme Version 0.2.5.pdf and the quickstart.txt.. Followed them to the best of my understanding..

Or is it the fact that I am using OpenSim Version 7.5? But OS services work under 7.5..

Thank you for any ideas or suggestions..

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12 years 6 days ago #1597 by tadavis
Oh one add to the information.. Offline messaging works also..


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12 years 6 days ago #1598 by tadavis
I also have included my interface.log

again thanks

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12 years 5 days ago #1601 by tadavis
okay an update on the issue... I was reading your other posts and noticed you said that you were moving to just connecting to the robust server... I did just that I pointed all three setting to the robust server that is Global Configuration, Opensim database and Opensim Grid database.. that is when things started to work.. Well at least on the backend..

Grid Map shows the regions on the backend but they do not draw out on a map on both front and backend... Also I installed the currency module... It must be disabled because it will allow me to buy anything gives a message of buying and selling is disabled, the currency backend is working as far the setting page is concerned.. and the search is not working either.. but groups, friends, users maintenance is work too..


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12 years 2 days ago #1608 by foto50
Hi tadavis

As you seem to have more than just one issue, lets try to solve them step by step.

Lets start with the map:

In the jopenSim admin under maps you find the button "Map Settings". What values do you have there for "Grid Map Width" and "Grid Map Height"?


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12 years 2 days ago #1609 by tadavis
I did not have any setting in that configuration for maps I was a little confused about what to put.. This is what I have now:

Map Cache max age: 0
Grid Map Width: 10
Grid Map height: 10
Default Map Size: 10
Minimum Map size: 10
Maximum Map Size: 10
Zoom Step: 0
Horizonzal Center Offset: 0
Vertical Center Offset: 0

Also I have regions spread a few 1000's of coordinates apart. Never mind I hid the noo-public regions down to 7 regions showing..

I put those settings in here and the same thing Internal server error 500

The setting for databases and Global Configuration pointing to the robust server are okay then?

Thanks for the assistance kind of frustrating on my end..

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11 years 11 months ago #1610 by foto50
Hi tadavis

Sorry for my delay lately, but I'm kinda bit busy with the last christmas rush at the moment ;)

The values in map settings (except the offset values) have to be entered in pixels, so 10pixel might be quite a bit small for the entire map.

Neverless, the error 500 indicates, that there must be some other problem somewhere. Is there anything in the error_log of the webserver?


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11 years 11 months ago #1614 by tadavis
Sorry Foto50 if I seemed overly pushy.. I was just a little frustrated over the few things not working.. You are correct it is the holidays need to be less focused on the grid and more to the spirit of the holidays..

Well as for an update on things.. After your post I did figure out the map display, at least on the frontend it works, well displays the map.. The map on the frontend does not operate like the map on this site, no arrows displayed, can not drag the map with left mouse click and using the mouse wheel only zooms the map out not in.. On the back end the map will not display, still get the error 500. This is what the apache logs gives:

[Fri Dec 28 16:48:21 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /var/www/administrator/components/com_opensim/models/maps.php on line 166, referer:

And as I am writing this my map has changed.. now four of my regions have defaulted to pin heads.. *sighs* not sure why yet. I will have to go find out why they are not correct..

So any suggestions about mao now that it is working?


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11 years 11 months ago #1615 by tadavis
okay the map works not quite like yours but works never the less..

The map function was a nice add.. More concerned about the search in-world and on the website In-world and the currency module.

I did go ahead and pay for a license to the currency but that does not work either. seems like the module is de-activated.. I put the license in the opensim.ini but no console commands work...

as for the search nothing on the website In-world works and in-world the only thing that comes up on the search is groups when searching no regions or user profiles..


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11 years 11 months ago #1617 by tadavis
I was looking at my webserver error.log I see some odd errors perhaps these could be part of the issue not sure.. Also I noticed icon pictures like home.gif on the maps page and icons for other pages ie: groups - view details and messages - view messages are missing on the front end..

[Fri Dec 28 21:59:54 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico, referer:
[Fri Dec 28 21:59:54 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/templates/system/css/template.css, referer:
[Fri Dec 28 22:15:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Fri Dec 28 22:15:02 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Fri Dec 28 22:15:03 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:

[Sat Dec 29 05:07:14 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:07:15 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:07:15 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:07:15 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:07:15 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/libraries/joomla/updater/adapters/extension.php on line 193, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:07:54 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/templates/system/css/template.css, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:07:57 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/templates/system/css/template.css, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:18:57 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico
[Sat Dec 29 05:19:04 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico
[Sat Dec 29 05:45:17 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico, referer:
[Sat Dec 29 05:45:18 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/templates/system/css/template.css, referer:

I hope this is painting a picture of what is going on.. oh I have multiple languages running on this website would this cause an issue?


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