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Map config

11 years 11 months ago #1621 by jmbolanos
Hi, it's Jon.

I'm having a map mare too....

I've set the Joomla 2.5.6 settings to:

Map Cache max age: 10
Grid Map Width: 800
Grid Map height: 300
Default Map Size: 100
Minimum Map size: 5
Maximum Map Size: 100
Zoom Step: 5
Horizonzal Center Offset: 0
Vertical Center Offset: 0

But when going to the page with the default template (as we've had this template problem before) I get large boxes with no way to scroll around the map.

I notice yours also allows you to tp to the this feature out now or in a future release?

Best wishes.


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11 years 11 months ago #1623 by jmbolanos
In addition, I have just upgraded to Joomla 2.5.8 and in the backend when going to map view I get

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 64217960 bytes) in /var/sites/t/ on line 129

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11 years 11 months ago #1625 by jmbolanos

Interestingly, after removing and reinstalling the components and plugins the map is working better. The 'home' icon is missing though....any ideas why?

The map still doesn't work using the main template and only shows on a bees template.

I still get the error in the backend.

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11 years 11 months ago #1626 by foto50
Hi Jon

The teleport feature on the map is püart of the upcoming jOpenSim 0.2.6 :)

How many regions do u run in this grid? The fatal error message shows that the allowed memory usage (the value memory_limit in your php.ini) is exceeded. But 134217728 bytes (= 128M) should be by far enough ... I dont have set more here either.

I know about certain conflicts between the jQuery used in the maps and some templates ... I hope soon I find the time to look over this issue a bit more exact ;)


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11 years 11 months ago #1646 by jmbolanos
Hi, in my bid to find a template that works with the grid map, I have installed a fresh install of joomla using the default template and then I added the component. Now I get

Not Found

The requested URL /grid was not found on this server.


Best wishes,

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11 years 11 months ago #1647 by jmbolanos
Ah...I set joomla to not rewrite search-engine friendly urls and now it shows. Interesting!

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