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Account Registration oddity

11 years 9 months ago #1704 by tadavis
Hi I have noticed something.. When a user creates a account in Joolma, jopensim creates the account in opensim.. I have had to set my grid to administrative approval because of a griefer issue.. I then tested things about found out that jopensim still creates an account in opensim even if the user has not been verified and is allowed to login to the grid even unverified via email... Is this correct? or do I have something miss configured? I was a little taken back by all this.. Anyway is there a way to not register or pass a login level through jopensim to the Opensim?


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11 years 9 months ago #1705 by foto50
Hi tadavis

This is currently the "normal" behaviour. But I have it on my todo list to improve this in following way: the opensim account still will get created, but user level will be set to -1 or so (meaning no login possible). After activating, the user will be changed for regular logins.

What currently already works is, that if you will delete a user from the backend, the opensim account will also be deleted. This is something that needs to be enabled in the settings of the plugin jOpenSimRegister.


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11 years 9 months ago #1706 by tadavis

That is what was wondering and that is great you are working on that.. I have had to take drastic measures and go to admin approval on all new accounts and I have set a login level on the grid to prevent unapproved users from logging into the grid..
I have it enabled to delete opensim accounts from backend..

On one more different note.. I have switched to the latest version of opensim 7.6 so I can get the diva groups and offlines.. this has created a few issues with maps and search.. even had simulators crashing on start with jopensim search.. I am not sure why yet.. I have not had time to dig into the various issue with switching to 7.6.. I will report when I get a chance to research what is up.. for now I am handling my griefer issue.. And doing alot of apologizing to different grids for the griefer that has been using my grid..

I do want to thank you for all your support with jopensim! YOU have been doing a great job! I want to compliment you, I know it is not easy programming..


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11 years 9 months ago #1761 by tricon
Wow, thanks for bringing this to attention. This poses a security threat for us since all of our users are supposed to be approved before they can login to our OS regions. It is a good thing no one has taken advantage of this yet.
I suppose a workaround would be to restrict the OpenSim account creation to registered Joomla members only. That way new users would already be approved before they can create an OS account.

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11 years 9 months ago #1762 by SilverDay
That is the reason we have disabled the creation of avatars at registration.

Once a user is registered and has been verified by us, he is added to a group. Only members of that group have access to the avatar-profile, which also allows them to create an avatar if they have not done so.

ATM I am working on a plugin for akeeba subscription, which will disable the accounts in Opensim once the subscription has ended (and reenable it if they resubscribe)



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