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Joomla3 error

9 years 1 month ago #2367 by megas
hello I install 3 times joomla 3 and i try to runing but i got many erros first with group not see any old group you may add new group 2. not see any profile you may add new profile the 3 error is very basic cant login som users inside the grid take this error
(Login Failed, Error Authorizing agent: Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: s)

can you help me ?

thank you very much for a good work!!!!!

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9 years 1 month ago #2368 by foto50
Hi megas

I'm sorry, not really sure what you mean: you installed Joomla3 3times, or jOpenSim3 3 times?

If jOpenSim3: did you uninstall it the other 2 times? If yes, you removed all database tables and of course will not see any old groups/profiles anymore.

The error number 3 is not jOpenSim related, but has got something to do with OpenSim. I've seen that messages quite a while ago with some user, but cant remember anymore what exactly the issue was. If I'm not completely wrong, it was something about manually compiling ... but not 100% sure.


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9 years 1 month ago #2369 by megas
thank you very much foto for answear . the time to install joomla 3 i loste all my old group and old inworld profile and theis error Login Failed, Error Authorizing agent: Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: s for som users and not login to grid i search for that issue but not finde somthing .

the group working only if i make new group and make new profile pic and som words all old is loste

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9 years 1 month ago #2370 by foto50
Hi megas

I'm sorry, but I'm still a little confused about what u installed when and how.

The only way I can imagine, this error message can be caused by jOpenSim is when you lost only partial group data while reinstalling. jOpenSim stores data for groups in 7 (!) database tables and they should reference well together. If data of one table is lost, most others are pointing to "nowhere" then.

Specially the table #__opensim_groupactive is called during login, responsible to give the user the last active group again. If there is an invalid/broken reference, I can imagine such a message during login.

If your group data got lost when reinstalling, I think the best solution is to empty this table as well. Users with an existing and working group will not loose their membership, but might have to reactivate their current group manually when next time logging in.


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9 years 1 month ago #2371 by megas
is crazy not loste db i runing again the jooml1 2.5 and i saw all my groups there . if i will runing again joomla 3 all group is loste i dont see inworld profile and group on website joomla3 same the profile data som of pic partner. for me the joomls 3 have this issues i dont se my groups and profile data .runing again 2.5 joomla and i saw all inside my groups and profile data is crazy

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9 years 1 month ago #2372 by megas

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9 years 1 month ago #2373 by foto50
Hi megas

You probably use a different database (or different db-prefix) for Joomla 3.x than for Joomla 2.5.x and did not move/copy the database tables of jOpenSim to there (see notes at )


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8 years 11 months ago #2376 by megas
Thank you foto the isuues is done

happy new year !!!!!!!

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