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8 years 5 months ago #2446 by Ryan
I am getting the following error, any clues "Root Element is missing"

16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: WriteKey :: xxxx
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: AgentID :: 053f60c8-65c4-4040-825a-6ccfed6
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: ReadKey :: xxxx
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: RequestingAgentUserService ::
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: RequestingAgentID :: 00000000-0000-0000-00
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: RequestingSessionID :: 00000000-0000-0000-
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: An error has occured while attempting to a
ccess the XmlRpcGroups server method groups.getAgentGroupMemberships at http://o
16:26:42 - [XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: Root element is missing. at System.Xml.X
mlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at Nwc.XmlRpc.XmlRpcResponseDeserializer.Deserialize(TextReader xmlData)
at Nwc.XmlRpc.XmlRpcRequest.Send(String url, Int32 timeout)
at OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.Avatar.XmlRpcGroups.XmlRpcGroupsServicesCon
nectorModule.XmlRpcCall(UUID requestingAgentID, String function, Hashtable param

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8 years 5 months ago #2447 by foto50
Hi Ryan

...[XMLRPC-GROUPS-CONNECTOR]: Root element is missing...

This usually indicates that the response from jOpenSim to OpenSim was a "not well formed" xml format ... many times caused by some php notices or warnings.

Allthough I try my best to avoid them as much as possible, it never can be impossible.

What is your error_reporting setting? And if you enable group debugging in jOpenSim, is there something like "NOTICE" or "WARNING" in interface.log?


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8 years 5 months ago #2448 by Ryan
Hi foto50

I enabled debugging for groups and the message in interface.log is

2016-06-23 11:20:18 Request coming from

########## 23.06.2016 11:20:18 ##### input ##########
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><methodCall><methodName>groups.getAgentActiveMembership</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member><name>WriteKey</name><value><string>9876</string></value></member><member><name>AgentID</name><value><string>053f60c8-65c4-4040-825a-6ccfed629754</string></value></member><member><name>ReadKey</name><value><string>1234</string></value></member><member><name>RequestingAgentUserService</name><value><string /></value></member><member><name>RequestingAgentID</name><value><string>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</string></value></member><member><name>RequestingSessionID</name><value><string>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</string></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodCall>'
2016-06-23 11:20:18 No access for at line 595 in C:\Bitnami\joomla-3.5.1-1\apps\joomla\htdocs\components\com_opensim\interface.php
########## 23.06.2016 11:20:18 ##### response for unknown ##########
response for unknown method :

repeated multiple times for each attempt


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8 years 5 months ago #2449 by Ryan
I think I can see the problem if not the solution

line 297 interface.php
if($opensim->checkRegionIP($remoteip) === TRUE)

The application is logging that is making the request this is the internal ip address of the network router, joomla and opensim are sitting on the same server for testing so it thinks the request is coming from the LAN address of the router not the WAN address
however in the regions database the ip address stored for the region is the external public ip address 81.x.x.x

as these do not match the rest of the code is being ignored

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8 years 5 months ago #2450 by foto50
This is indeed the cause for missing communication, since I try my best to keep jOpenSim as secure as possible.

I'm not sure if this helps in your case, but I had a similar case where I added in OpenSim.ini in the [Network] section:
http_listener_cn = your.ip.add.ress

Hope this helps to force the requests made with the WAN address.


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