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jOpenSim with Joomla 3.7.0

7 years 7 months ago #2619 by foto50
Hi folks

Those who have enabled php notices on their system and updated to the recent version 3.7.0 of Joomla might have read some warnings in the admin pages of jOpenSim:
Warning: Illegal string offset 'relative' in /home/jopensim3/public_html/test/libraries/cms/html/html.php on line 620
Warning: Illegal string offset 'pathOnly' in /home/jopensim3/public_html/test/libraries/cms/html/html.php on line 621
Warning: Illegal string offset 'detectBrowser' in /home/jopensim3/public_html/test/libraries/cms/html/html.php on line 622
Warning: Illegal string offset 'detectDebug' in /home/jopensim3/public_html/test/libraries/cms/html/html.php on line 623
As you can read, this is NOT an error, but only a warning. Know that on production sites, these warnings never should be displayed and therefor disabled.

Neverless they should be avoided. I'm aware of this issue and will get it fixed in the next version of jOpenSim :)


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