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Cannot update JOpensim due to errors with JopenSim Package and JOpenSimRegister

1 year 4 months ago #3881 by VinnyB
Hello I am not sure this is the proper area to post this.
I am trying to update JOpenSim within my Outworldz/DreamGrid server. When I get to the admin page and click update these are the two items that show up and error out when trying to update.

I have not been able to update this in some time and I am just coming back to this issue now that I have time. Any help would be appreciated.

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1 year 4 months ago #3882 by foto50
Hi VinnyB

The update server should work though ... can you open the urls manually? (e.g. )

Mind that jOpenSim is still not compatible with PHP8.x (I know I'm really late).

In case you can open the url but your server still not, pls let me know your grid's hostname or IP address, so I can check if there is currently any firewall issue for it.

Don't post it here public, rather send me a private message or email.


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1 year 1 month ago - 1 year 1 month ago #3889 by VinnyB
Hello Foto,

Sorry for the very long delay to your reply. I have not been working on much of late due to illness.
The jOpenSim does show, but it is very outdated and I just caught an error stating that the PHP is severely out of date on my grid. I posted in our chat group asking how to update the PHP. I closed the screen before I wrote down the version. All I know is it gave a Red bannor stating how out of date it is.
I think the update may not be due to the PHP, but the issue that I have in my original post.
I am looking for the area to post you privatly and do not see it.
Thanks again.

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1 year 1 month ago #3890 by foto50
Hi VinnyB

The red banner is probably a message like "Support has ended for your version of Joomla 3.10. Migrate to Joomla 4 as soon as possible.".

The php version is very important at the moment for running jOpenSim since it relies on a php-extension that was removed in PHP8 (xmlrpc) to communicate with the grid.

I have some kind of Joomla4 version already, but it is rather contra productive to publish that one since most server places can not offer PHP7.4.x any more (for good reasons) ... ;)

I hope I soon can tell more about the next version that will be php8 compatible.


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