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need help

14 years 4 weeks ago #212 by hero
i need help for com_opensim Global Configuration
what i can write ?? need example..
im useing
joomla 1.5.22
opensim opensim-

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14 years 4 weeks ago #213 by rjspence
Hi Hero,

Welcome to the forum.

Global Configuration
Host Name - The name or IP of the host machine = examples or myhost
Port - The port that you are running opensim on as configured within the OpenSim.ini. ex: 9000 or 8002

OpenSim Database
OpenSim database hostname - Hostname of the server running the database. IP or name. Example or Mygrid
OpenSim database port - The port that you have configured for mysql to run on. Default is usually 3306 in mysql.ini.
OpenSim database user - The database user you wish to use for your OpenSimulator configuration. Example: Tim (mysql users, passwords, and databases need to be configured prior to use of course)
Opensim database password - Password you gave your user named above when you added the name to the db.
OpenSim database name - The name of the database you created that stores the OpenSimulator tables/rows. Example: sim

The below is for a true grid configuration. These allow you to have your services running on various machines/network configs.
The database holds the GridUser, regions tables. If you do not need more than one machine and are running standalone with everything on one box, just leave it blank and the information listed in the upper OpenSim Database section will be used.

OpenSim Grid database
OpenSim database hostname
OpenSim database port
OpenSim database password
OpenSim database name

The below is for remote administrator configuration for OpenSimulator. You can find the setup for this in the OpenSim.ini. That too needs configured for this to work. (must match what you have configured in the opensim.ini)

Remote Admin
enable RemoteAdmin (Yes or No)

Host: Host machine you are allowing to connect to the OpeSimulator services. If on one machine, localhost. If another, use the IP or host of the machine you are using to connect with.

Port: The port you configured within the OpenSim.ini for remote administration. Ex: 1215

Password: The password you configured within the OpenSim.ini for remote administration. Ex: test

You can also hover over the blue \"?\" buttons within the configuration area and it will provide hints.

Best Regards,

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14 years 4 weeks ago #214 by hero
Thank you for help .. but
Could not connect to OpenSim database! Please check your settings.
Could not connect to OpenSim Grid database! Please check your settings. :( <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif\" alt=\":(\" title=\"Sad\" />:(

OpenSim Database
Which databas And what the Default user name & Password & database name ?
its My Robust.ini file data
StorageProvider = \"OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll\"
ConnectionString = \"Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;\"

; * As an example, the below configuration precisely mimicks the legacy
; * asset server. It is read by the asset IN connector (defined above)
; * and it then loads the OUT connector (a local database module). That,
; * in turn, reads the asset loader and database connection information
; ==========================

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14 years 4 weeks ago #215 by foto50
Hi hero

\hero\:16zazyex wrote: ConnectionString = \"Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;\"

If these values match completely the values of \"storage_connection_string\" in [Startup] of your OpenSim.ini, you can enter those values in the first block (OpenSim database) and leave the second (OpenSim Grid database) empty.

If not, the ones from OpenSim.ini belong to the first block, and the ones from Robust.ini to the second block.

The above values in the global configuration:
Database = \"OpenSim Database Name\"
User ID = \"OpenSim database user\"
Password = \"OpenSim database password\"

The hostname (OpenSim database hostname ... would be \"Data Source\") depends if Joomla is installed on the same host as opensim is running on. If yes, you should be able to use \"localhost\" as well. If not, you need the FQDN (domain name) of the host, where opensim is running.

Also remember, that the opensim host needs to have firewall settings, so that the joomla host can access MySQL (mostly on port 3306) and the opensim MySQL server needs privileges for the user \"opensim\" not only for \"localhost\" but also for the host of Joomla.


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14 years 4 weeks ago #216 by hero
Warning: Wrong parameter count for stristr() in C:\\AppServ\\www\\web\\administrator\\components\\com_opensim\\models\\user.php on line 76

Warning: Wrong parameter count for stristr() in C:\\AppServ\\www\\web\\administrator\\components\\com_opensim\\models\\user.php on line 103

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\\AppServ\\www\\web\\libraries\\joomla\\database\\database\\mysql.php on line 344

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14 years 4 weeks ago #217 by rjspence
Hi Hero,

Sounds like a config or perm issue some place. The last error line is the Joomla mysql.php.

The only suggestion I would have with what you posted is to only use the software that is needed. Start off with the simplest approach you can take. in standalone to start with - WAMP or LAMP and needed php modules (please see for opensimulator configuration) - Joomla - Photo50\'s Joomla/OS Component.

Install all of this on one local box if you are new to opensimulator/joomla etc... You can always configure for a grid mode install, poke holes in the firewall, and network machines etc.. after you have it working.

1) running in standalone - verify you can login via a client (mysql database)
2) Install a basic WAMP - LAMP server - Apache, mySQL, PHP (Add users, db\'s to mysql, set user permissions)
3) Install Joomla with no other components or modules. Verify Joomla is working properly.
4) Install and configure OpenSimulator/Joomla Component.
5) Verify that no firewalls are posing issues and that proper permissions have been set for everything (files, mysql users, etc...),

The above should be all that you would install to get the opensim/joomla component working. At this point, you would most likely have two databases. One for OS (OpenSimulator), One for Joomla. Both configured with proper users / appropriate user permissions. The OpenSimulator database needs to have the connection string information set in the OpenSim.ini or the /config-include/ whatever.ini (standalone suggested for now). As photo50 pointed out, whatever the connection string information you have configured in the opensim.ini (or /config-include/whatever.ini) need be input into the Joomla configuration as mentioned in the above posts.

I wouldn\'t install any other software, Joomla components etc.. until you have verified that you have a working relationship between Joomla and OS. It\'s always better for new users of OS to do a simple standalone install until they become familiar with the software.

Only other suggestion is to use fairly up2date versions of apache - mysql - php .

I\'ll let Photo50 or others respond if they have any other ideas. It may be a bug, but I\'ve not witnessed this or any Joomla mysql.php errors on this end.


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14 years 4 weeks ago #218 by foto50

\hero\:kiw89m5i wrote: Warning: Wrong parameter count for stristr() in ...\\administrator\\components\\com_opensim\\models\\user.php on line 76 ... and ... 103

These 2 lines should provide (usually) a helpful message if something goes wrong without giving sensitive data to the output. If you\'re the only one, who can view this part, you could (temporary) replace both lines with:
$errormsg = $this->_os_db->_errorNum.\": \".$this->_os_db->_errorMsg.\" in \".__FILE__.\" at line \".__LINE__;
This way you should get more information about what is actually going wrong with the connection.

Dont forget: this way - under certain circumstances - there could be your database user and/or password or some Joomla setting values visible in the error message. So if others have or will have access to the administration, it would be a good idea to make a copy of the original first and recover it later again!


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