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upcoming feature "search"

14 years 2 weeks ago #224 by foto50
As a next step in my efforts, I would like to add \"search\" capabilities to OpenSim with this component. One part of searching - as most of you opensim experts might know - is searching events. Thinking about this, I thought it would be a waste to add an event calendar directly into the component, but rather use existing event calendar components and add an \"extension specific addon\" to our component that will communcate with that other component.

Is there anybody of you already using an event calendar component or has a suggestion, what component would be the best for the beginning to focus on?


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14 years 2 weeks ago #229 by rjspence
In terms of events scheduling and search within OpenSim, and with what you wrote, that instead of writing the code, you are suggesting using a third party scheduling system to integrate within Joomla? So that scheduled events etc.. are searched via the Joomla database?

I like the idea of keeping it via components. And certainly opensim and joomla are very much modular/component based which ends up with the software being easier to troubleshoot and manage. Just curious if I understand correctly about the events scheduling and the searching of the database for such events as scheduled via the OS software. There are several decent Joomla module/compoent scheduling type softwares available. Are we discussing the same ideas?


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14 years 2 weeks ago #230 by foto50
OS does not provide event storage itself. There is just an addon module to communicate scripts that search external database(s). Since I create these scripts, I can decide WHERE to search ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;)

The question is, why should I add event scheduling to the component com_opensim, if there are already several components doing this job quite good? Currently I look at jEvents ( <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\ "> ... lendars/95 ) and see if it is a usable event calendar for OpenSim needs and if I can add search capability from within opensim for it.

If anyone has another suggestion for an event calendar component, I\'m open for your opinions.


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14 years 2 weeks ago #231 by rjspence

\FoTo50\:7xvlc88p wrote: OS does not provide event storage itself. There is just an addon module to communicate scripts that search external database(s). Since I create these scripts, I can decide WHERE to search ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;)

Yes. Absolutely correct. Currently I would believe that most of us are using third party os addon software for profiles, search, groups etc for opensim itself.

The question is, why should I add event scheduling to the component com_opensim, if there are already several components doing this job quite good? Currently I look at jEvents ( <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\ "> ... lendars/95 ) and see if it is a usable event calendar for OpenSim needs and if I can add search capability from within opensim for it.

If anyone has another suggestion for an event calendar component, I\'m open for your opinions.


I see. Yes. I was more inquiring on if this were to act as a bridge between existing softwares that most of us are currently using, or if this would be an entire replacement? Sorry If what I write is confusing, but without a \"roadmap\" or something to look at, it\'s hard to put together ideas that are being brought up sometimes. My opologies. Always of course trying to understand what direction the software is heading in. Joomla, as you mention, has quite a few available addon\'s that function as a scheduling or event type software. And of course, no sense in re-inventing the wheel. Always good to look at what is already available. What function or set of functions are we looking at this component to provide between Joomla/os? Web based event scheduling using the provided search? (os front end for event scheduling)?. Interested in using the whole component or re-writing part of it to work as needed? How will this play a part with current used software\'s being used for profiles, groups and other search related criteria? Or is it to play any role at all with other ideas or needs?


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