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Sticky: Addon Bug Tracing How To

13 years 11 months ago #306 by foto50
Addon\'s are those functions of com_opensim that communicate directly with OpenSim. Profiles, Offline Messages and Groups (Search will come soon) are of that kind. Problems in that direction are hard to trace, so I better give some info how it can be done:

Before posting a bug, be sure:
  • Did you enable the addons in admin?
  • is OpenSim.ini changed correctly? See the readme.pdf for more info
  • specially in Groups, is the write and/or read key same in OpenSim.ini and jOpenSim\'s global configuration?
  • Is a communication between Joomla and OpenSim possible (firewall!)?
If all this is ok, then we need to bug hunt :? <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif\" alt=\":?\" title=\"Confused\" />:? You help us a lot if you:
  • check your console for some red lines
  • check /components/com_opensim/interface.log and /components/com_opensim/interface.groups.log
  • provide us with this info as well as how did the error occur
  • the more information we get to recreate the error, the faster it will be solved
Finally I hope it all will work as smooth as we hope, but I\'m open for your reports if it is not so ;) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"Wink\" />;) Only this will then ensure that it WILL be smooth :) <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif\" alt=\":)\" title=\"Smile\" />:)


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