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× Creating OpenSim accounts during Joomla! registration

Single username for Joomla and OpenSim?

12 years 10 months ago #1035 by foto50
One of the points on the wishlist for jOpenSimRegister is to have one single username for both - Joomla! and OpenSim when registering ... not like now "Username" for Joomla! and "Firstname" and "Lastname" for OpenSim.

One single value of the OpenSim account cannot be taken for Joomla since both, firstname as well as lastname do not really have to be unique. Just the combination of both is unique then.

Question is, how to use this for automatically creating a Joomla username?

  • firstname{space}lastname
  • firstname_lastname
  • firstname.lastname

What would be expected most? And as any system would need to be "dummy proof", how should a newly registered user know intuitively, that with entering 2 values, there was also created a single login value?

Any ideas, comments and suggestions are very welcome :)


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12 years 10 months ago #1036 by DJ Devil
another idea would be to either have only one adittional field for lastname or to be able to define a standard lastname in administration, well thats my idea :-)

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12 years 10 months ago #1062 by tricon
First I want to say this component is fantastic! I am currently setting it up on a new joomla site and plan to have new users create accounts via the joomla interface.

I think it would be easiest if the joomla account became firstname{space}lastname. I think users would get the idea as long as it matches how they enter it at registration.

Otherwise, what if the joomla login module was changed so that it accepted the first, last, and password when people login?

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12 years 10 months ago #1063 by foto50
This probably could be solved by a new login plugin (with some new login module). In any case, the register plugin would need to store firstname and lastname in some format in Joomla's database so that the login plugin can "understand" how it should manage the passed data.

In such a solution, the register plugin and the login plugin would depend on each other ... are more or less both required ... additionally to a new login module.

If this is the direction of development, it should go to, I rather would prefer to "split" the new adoptions in the register plugin from the current one and keep the current version as an alternative approach for all those, who do NOT want to be forced to change their login procedure, e.g. because they already have some complex solution via Community Buidler or JoomSocial.


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12 years 10 months ago #1065 by tricon
That makes sense. Having a new login plugin/module would only work well for new registers.

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12 years 10 months ago #1066 by foto50
That's true.

For "old" users:

Already registered Joomla users still can register an inworld account with the inworld menue type (see "Inworld Account" in ) and if there already exists a Joomla account and an OpenSim account, you can connect them together with the "terminal addon".


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