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visibility the plugin on a html site

13 years 9 months ago #865 by Blub Blinker
Hello, first sorry for my english:

How i can get the Windows with the Gridstatus visible in a normal homepage (Splash).
What adress I need for linking.
Its there any way to doit ?

and a second question how i can see the maps on joomla ?
i become only a picture with a ?
what URL i need to put in opensim.ini and or robust.ini ?

Thanks for your help

greetings from switzerland
Blub Blinker :idea:

Vetgrid Veterinärmedizinischer 3D Campus

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13 years 9 months ago #868 by foto50
Hi Blub,

and greetz to Switzerland from Tirol ;)

If you mean with "splash" page a loginscreen url for the viewers, I'm still working on that for providing a modular and easy to administrate page within Joomla where you will be able to position modules and/or other component tasks.

If you want to use some page of the jOpenSim component as loginscreen without the Joomla menues around, just add "tmpl=component" to your loginscreen url in your Robust.ini (grid mode) or config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini (standalone mode)

E.g. the grid map at without Joomla around has the url or SEF url:

There is also an article about how to include modules in the regular content in Joomla at which might be interesting.

Concerning the maps: have you read this topic or this topic ? If they dont solve your problem, please reply in there or open a new topic as the title of this one might be a bit confusing ;)


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12 years 8 months ago #1223 by Vasileff
Hello guys

I've just installed joomla because of this module. I have a web site and I wanted to put the grid status indicatior on it. So now I have the latest version of joomla and the module installed. But I've no idea what I have to do to bring the module up and running. So any help is greatly appreciated.

My sim is connected to OSgrid. The configuration file is OpenSim.ini. Using SQLite (couldn't make it work with MySQL). For joomla I'm using WAMP's MySQL. Both the sim and joomla are sharing same PC. I have all ports forwarded on my router. Windows Firewall is off.

Since I'm a total noob to joomla, I'll need a step-by-step instructions.

Thanks in advance, and please excuse my English

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12 years 8 months ago #1226 by foto50
Hi Vasileff

and welcome to our forum :)

The gridstatus module in the current version requires direct access to the grid database. I'm not sure if you do have access to the grid database of OSgrid though.

If you have installed the component jOpenSim, it will take these DB access data from the global config in there. But the module can also run without it. In this case, the values for the database must be entered in the "Advanced Options" of the module itself via Extensions -> Module Manager -> Edit module.

But your question gives me an idea to create a new "simulator status" module, the can run just within one simulator of a grid itself ... Let me see what I can create for the next version of jOpenSim ;)


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12 years 8 months ago #1235 by Vasileff
Ok, but how do I make the module to appear on joomla's home page?

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12 years 7 months ago #1247 by DJ Devil
hello vasilef,

if you are not using mysql you cannot use jopensim since it requires mysql,
however as soon as you registered with osgrid user managing will be handled by their server so jopensim wouldnt do anything for you besides displaying the map data of your server

Hope that helps

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12 years 7 months ago #1250 by Vasileff
Well I am a registered OSgrid user and I run my own opensim server wich is connected to OSgrid Hypergrid. But I don't know how to configure the plugin so it can display my server status. The server itselef runs on SQLite (I couldn't manage to run it with MySQL). So what do I have to do in order to make the plugin showing my server status?

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12 years 7 months ago #1251 by Vasileff
Ok, somehow I managet to run OpenSim with MySQL, but the plugin keeps showin Grid Status: Ofline

I've entered the DB name, user, password etc. What am I doing wrong?

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12 years 7 months ago #1252 by foto50
Hi Vasileff

Is the module running standalone, or is the component jOpenSim installed as well? If jOpenSim is installed, it takes the settings from there and ignores the module parameters.

Is OpenSim on the same server like Joomla or on a different one? If it is the same, the host for OpenSim should be "localhost".

If it is on a different one, the mysql user must also have an entry for @host-of-joomla to be able to access the database.


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12 years 7 months ago #1253 by Vasileff
Hi again :)

The module is running standalone on the same server with the OpenSim server.

Here's a screenshot of the module configuration -->

And another one where you can see that it shows Grid Status: Ofline even if the server is up and running -->

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