
Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 23
Visitors (30 Days): 7
Total Residents: 490
Online Now: 0
Hypergriders online: 0

[Bug] Online Now

14 years 4 months ago #99 by djphil

Apparement \"Online Now\" ne se met pas à jours correctement.
J\'ai 0 utilisateurs connectés et Grid Status module m\'indique 2 utilisateurs en ligne.
J\'ai stopper Robust En Sim et relancé et c\'est toujours indiqué 2 utilisateurs en ligne.

Good evening,

Apparently \"Online Now\" does not update properly.
I have 0 users online and Grid Status module tells me 2 users online.
I stopped and restarted Robust In Sim and it always indicated 2 users online.

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14 years 4 months ago #101 by foto50
This also could be caused by a bug in OpenSim where the field \"Online\" in the table \"GridUser\" does not get updated. Do you see 2 rows in there where the value of the field is \"True\"?


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14 years 4 months ago #102 by djphil
Yes and these 2 users are \"test\" and \"test1\" as the 2 users by chance that will not ...

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14 years 4 months ago #107 by foto50
I think I know where I have this bug ... :? <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif\" alt=\":?\" title=\"Confused\" />:? ... Looks like you did not yet set a default region and the start location under maps. Setting that should solve this problem, but I will definately have to change this. If not set, it just should take any region (maybe preferably the one at 1000,1000 if present) in the database so the user at least can somehow login.


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14 years 4 months ago #134 by djphil
The problem persists ...
I think I\'ll reinstall the databases (opensim and joomla) to have a completely clean installation!
I then repeat the tests. What do you think?

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14 years 4 months ago #136 by foto50
I dont think you need to do a complete reinstall. Just delete those rows in phpMyAdmin where the value for \"HomePosition\" contains the invalid value \"<,,0>\". Those users will lose their home position, but will at least again be able to login.

With 0.1.4 such an invalid value should not be inserted to the DB anymore.


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